Chapter 13 Trustees in the Central District and Accessing Your Case Data

Financial Relief Law Center
Los Angeles: There are two possible Trustees that will be assigned your case in the Los Angeles Division: Kathy A Dockery or Nancy Curry. Both of their websites are helpful in setting up auto payments and providing general information about your case.
Riverside: Rod Danielson is the standing Trustee in the Riverside Division. His website provides access to your case data, a link for TFSbillpay (which is an epay option), and other helpful forms and links.
Santa Ana: Amrane Cohen is the standing Trustee in the Santa Ana Division. His website provides links to access your case so that you can see when your plan payment posts and where funds are being disbursed. The website also provides a questionnaire to see prior to the meeting of creditors and a link to epay.
San Fernando Valley and Northern: The standing Trustee in these divisions is Elizabeth Rojas. Her website provides additional information on where to send payments and setting up an auto-pay option after your plan is confirmed.